Then the LORD answered me and said:
“Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry. - Habakkuck 2:2,3
It was just this past Sunday, I was at church singing with the choir, and our selection for the day was a song called "Write the Vision" by Patrick Love. I'm going to tell you that EVERY TIME we sing this song it brings me to my knees. Why? Because from the first time that I heard it, I realized that my life, your life is driven by our visions (hopes, dreams, desires, and aspirations). The beauty of it is that God knows of each and every one of them, the question remains as to why He wants us to write them out.
Ever since I can remember, I have in one way or another, put my innermost thoughts and feelings into some kind of written form. Back in the day, I used to keep a diary. My very first one was a Tinkerbell Diary, with a heart shaped lock. It even came with a tiny key. I would write off and on in diaries well into my adulthood. As I became older, I would always write on the first page of every diary, "If you happen to come across these writings. Please take them in the vain that they were written. This is my catharsis. I will share my loves and losses. Please be kind." There's only been one person that I know of that ever came across my diaries and read them, without my permission I might add. But I digress, that's a story for another day. Needless to say, I stopped writing in diaries all together.
I have found solace in being a blog writer, I love it actually, do I share my thoughts and feelings with my readers, yes; but I think that what God wants us to do is something different. I think He wants us to, write a letter to Him in which we write out those very same hopes, dreams, desires, and aspirations. After we write them I think we're meant to pray about them and then work toward their completion the best that we can. All the while knowing that in the end we will yield to Gods will and wait on his timing. BUT what ever those goals, dreams, aspirations, and desires are they need to line up with the word of God AND we have to put in the work.
My Mother always says, "All you have to do is your part, God will take care of the rest." In order to write your vision, you're required to spend time with it and think it out. Thinking it out and planning will help us to do our part.
So for 2018 I'm going to write my vision; my vision for my family, my work life, as well as my personal life. I'm going to pray about it and leave the vision of my heart at the feet of the Father so that He can run with it. Then, I'm getting to work!! It's time to make things happen people!
Ever since I can remember, I have in one way or another, put my innermost thoughts and feelings into some kind of written form. Back in the day, I used to keep a diary. My very first one was a Tinkerbell Diary, with a heart shaped lock. It even came with a tiny key. I would write off and on in diaries well into my adulthood. As I became older, I would always write on the first page of every diary, "If you happen to come across these writings. Please take them in the vain that they were written. This is my catharsis. I will share my loves and losses. Please be kind." There's only been one person that I know of that ever came across my diaries and read them, without my permission I might add. But I digress, that's a story for another day. Needless to say, I stopped writing in diaries all together.
I have found solace in being a blog writer, I love it actually, do I share my thoughts and feelings with my readers, yes; but I think that what God wants us to do is something different. I think He wants us to, write a letter to Him in which we write out those very same hopes, dreams, desires, and aspirations. After we write them I think we're meant to pray about them and then work toward their completion the best that we can. All the while knowing that in the end we will yield to Gods will and wait on his timing. BUT what ever those goals, dreams, aspirations, and desires are they need to line up with the word of God AND we have to put in the work.
My Mother always says, "All you have to do is your part, God will take care of the rest." In order to write your vision, you're required to spend time with it and think it out. Thinking it out and planning will help us to do our part.
So for 2018 I'm going to write my vision; my vision for my family, my work life, as well as my personal life. I'm going to pray about it and leave the vision of my heart at the feet of the Father so that He can run with it. Then, I'm getting to work!! It's time to make things happen people!
So as the song of the same name says, "Write the vision, make it plain;
that they may run and not faint.Though the vision is only for awhile, it shall speak and not lie.
For if the Lord said it, you can count on it; He will do just what He said. It is so, yes it so; He will do just what He said."
Much Love,